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Our school under the NSW Community Languages Program managed by the Department of Education conducts Chinese language courses from kindergarten to Y12. It is open to all students aged above 5 years regardless of language background and gender.

We are a non-profitable institution. Our school terms are parallel with the mainstream school (ie local public school) 9 weeks per term.

  • Our school fee is $50 per student per term and is collected in the beginning of each term.

The aim of our Chinese language program is to develop in students the knowledge and understandings, skills, attitudes and values that would enhance their sense of personal, cultural, national and global identity. In order to achieve these goals, we are using Chinese K–12 Syllabus developed by the Department of Education NSW. We also periodically publish students works on our school newsletter that is managed by the student editorial group, so as to enhance the learning incentive and outcome.

Our school timetable is as below.

  • 1st period- 9:00 –10:10
  • 2nd period-10:20 –11:20
  • 3rd period-11:30 –12:30


  • 第一節課- 9:00 –10:10
  • 第二節課-10:20 –11:20
  • 第三節課-11:30 –12:30


  • 學生每人每學期 $50 (於每學期開學時收取)



  • 第一节课- 9:00 –10:10
  • 第二节课-10:20 –11:20
  • 第三节课-11:30 –12:30


  • 学生每人每学期 $50 (于每学期开学时收取)
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